Project name: Composite materials for low density parts with wood fiber reinforcements
Project code: Centro-01-0247-FEDER-024301
Primary objective: Development of new polymer materials
Intervention region: Centre

Date of approval: 31/08/2017
Start date: 01/01/2017
Conclusion date: 31/12/2018
Total eligible cost: €435,369.70
Apoio Financeiro da União Europeia: FEDER - €342,775.96


Objectives, activities and results expected/achieved

Companies are currently interested in the production of composite materials, such as through the addition of wood to thermoplastic polymers.

The LDPWood Project is based on the development of new polymer materials for the component injection industry, through a new approach to the production/mixture of polymers so as to be able to produce lower density parts which are strengthened with natural fibres.

With the support of IPL-CDRsp, the LCR team will study and develop a new solution for producing composite materials, providing manufacturers in different sectors with greater facility in the production (injection/extrusion) of composite components, without the need for additional subsequent processes.



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